Action Strata


The Action Strata are a unique layering and swathing of meændearth because of the special “Act-Shun” or “Act-Shunt” magic. One-of-a-kind, priceless artifacts can be handled and studied, because any damaging action towards them is whisked away. Warring peoples can walk together because actions of conflict are torn away. The act of reaching out for a piece of harmfully incocmpatible food is siphoned away. Likewise are the acts of stealing, or bullying and in grand cases, even deceiving. But where do all these bad actions and unlucky exertions get “Act-Shunted” to, and in what form do they manifest? Unfortunately, the peace and harmony of the Strata seem to require that these questions tend, also, to vanish away.

© 2023 Kelly Ishikawa

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